A Brief Discussion on JINPAT Fiber Optic Slip Ring Series

2024-08-01 17:42 JINPAT Electronics

Fiber opticslip rings use optical fibers as data transmission media to solve the problemof large capacity data and signal transmission between rotating connectionsystem components. Fiber optic slip ring (also known as fiber optic rotaryconnector) is a device that enables optical signal transmission between therotor and the stator. With the rapid development of information technology,information systems have put forward higher and more requirements for datatransmission speed and bandwidth. Traditional electric slip rings can no longermeet people's needs for slip ring applications. Therefore, JINPAT has investeda lot of funds and manpower in the research and development of fiber optic sliprings.

The fiberslip ring independently developed by JINPAT has a wide range of applications,including oil platforms, industrial robots, radar systems, medical CT, andother fields. Compared with ordinary electric slip rings, fiber optic sliprings have the advantages of long lifespan, fast rotation speed, and strongresistance to electromagnetic interference. There are various methods for itsclassification. According to the number of transmission channels, it can bedivided into single channel and multi-channel; According to the type of opticalfiber used, it can be divided into three categories: single-mode, multi-mode,and plastic fiber slip rings.

Singlechannel fiber optic rotary connectors have many advantages such as simplestructure, small size, and low cost, and are currently widely used fiber sliprings. Single channel fiber optic rotary connectors can be divided into fourforms according to different coupling methods: direct coupling, double lensbeam expansion coupling, single lens coupling, and fiber collimator beamexpansion coupling. Among these four fiber coupling methods, the currentlycommonly used coupling method by JINPAT is to use a fiber collimator to coupleoptical signals, that is, double lens beam expansion coupling.

Compared to asingle channel, multi-channel fiber optic rotary connectors can transmit alarger amount of signals. Common multi-channel options include two channels andfour channels with ten channels. The fiber slip ring developed by JINPAT canhave up to 32 channels, which can meet higher signal transmission requirements.And it has strong stability and good safety, with small eccentricity andshaking of the rotor and stator, low friction torque, and easy maintenance,thus ensuring the ultra long service life of the slip ring. The fiber opticslip ring developed by JINPAT can operate normally even at 5000 metersunderwater, low temperature, and high pressure, without being affected byelectromagnetic interference. The transmission distance can reach hundreds ofkilometers, and the speed can reach over 100 million revolutions per minute.

JINPAT is aslip ring manufacturer with research and independent production capabilities.In the future, JINPAT will continue to invest in the research and developmentof fiber optic slip rings, committed to providing professional slip ringsolutions for more fields. For more solutions on JINPAT fiber slip rings,please contact us for consultation.
