JINPAT Special Ship Heavy Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Slip Ring Box Supplier

2024-07-23 01:21 JINPAT Electronics

The shipbuilding industry is a large-scaleindustry with a very long supply chain, and some special types of ships caneven reflect the level of a country's supply chain. These types of shipsrepresent luxury cruise ships, aircraft carriers, LNG carriers, FPSOs,scientific research ships, and other types of special ships. In these specialships, many subsystems require the support of slip rings. Taking the slip ringsused on civilian ships as an example, the slip rings used in FPSO mooringsystems have the highest technical content among traditional slip rings. Theyneed to transmit high-pressure combustible gases and crude oil, as well aspower lines for various underwater systems. Therefore, they need to meetcorresponding explosion-proof and protection levels. Multiple functions mean multiplecomponents, and the structural design is also very complex.

The most commonly produced products by JINPATare various marine crane slip rings, which are mostly installed in the slewingsystem inside the deck crane. The vast majority of these slip rings are boxshaped designs and do not have a central through-hole. Depending on the weightof the deck crane, these slip rings also vary in working voltage and current.In addition to their high power transmission capacity, many box type slip ringsused in deck cranes also integrate signal modules. When designing this type of signalpower integrated deck crane slip ring, engineers at JINPAT will physicallyisolate the signal and high-power modules using different modules to avoidstrong electrical interference signals.

Of course, there is a very important methodto solve the problem of signal interference in such large slip ring boxes,which is to replace traditional conductive slip rings with fiber optic sliprings as signal modules. Fiber optic slip rings inherit all the characteristicsof fiber optic transmission, and the interference of the strong electric fieldgenerated by the slip ring box can be completely ignored. Thanks to theexcellent signal transmission characteristics of fiber optic slip rings, thistype of optoelectronic integrated marine crane slip ring is increasingly movingfrom the JINPAT production line to the production and construction line.

In addition to the most common marinecranes, many ships such as research vessels and cruise ships are now usingpodded fully rotating electric thrusters. In marine fully rotating electricthrusters, slip ring boxes are also essential components. As a professionalmanufacturer in the international slip ring industry, JINPAT also has strongtechnical strength in this field and currently has the ability to research andmass produce podded electric thrusters below 15MW. The slip ring of the fullyrotating pod type electric thruster is slightly different from the slip ring ofthe crane. Some products have more signal paths and also integrate gas-liquidslip ring modules to deliver oil to lubricate the propulsion motor or gas tocool other components.
